Our Principles

At HuskyDusky we have zero tolerance on the listing of infringing products on its platform by any seller and is committed to removing such listing in the interest of protecting the rights of the original owners and restricting any listing that might infringe their rights.

We believe copyright protection is essential to creating a level playing field in the e-commerce market. We are leveraging our AI technology and are working closely with all stakeholders to identify & prevent any potential infringement, and ensuring the best experience for the users.

HuskyDusky shall ensure the removal of infringing products from its platform as per the following policy.


HuskyDusky stands to protect third party rights in their Intellectual Property. Owners of Intellectual Property rights and/or their agents are welcome to notify HuskyDusky of alleged intellectual property infringements i.e. copyright and trademark concerns, by writing to us at support@huskydusky.com

HuskyDusky seeks to protect any such breach and it is our policy to respond to notices of the alleged infringement expeditiously if found genuine.

Upon receipt of infringement notification, HuskyDusky shall remove or disable access to materials claimed to be the subject of infringing activity post investigation.



Write to us at 


notifying the alleged Intellectual Property infringement.


Declare that all statements made by you are true and correct with details of trademark and/or copyright infringement.


Provide a description of the infringing product/service with identification, along with particular link where the product or service is listed.


You must provide your correct address, email ID and telephone/mobile number for us to get in touch with you.

For effective closure of the infringement case, HuskyDusky may share your Notice with third parties including the parties involved in the alleged infringing activities, our group companies, our advisors and other third parties.

In the event where details are not supplied as required, HuskyDusky may not be able to assist you and disclaims any liability arising therefrom.




Upon receiving any notice, we will evaluate the content of the notice and shall reply within 5-10 working days.


We may take such action as we deem appropriate in keeping with our policies and applicable law which may include, asking further details from you or taking down the content that was the subject matter of Your Notice

Wrongful Claims

We appreciate your effort in supporting the initiative. However, you acknowledge that for any third-party claims arising from any wrongful allegation made by you, you shall be solely responsible to indemnify HuskyDusky and its group companies against any loss, damage which may arise in connection with such claims.

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